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Next Generation Scalable Data Engineering, Operations, and Informatics Support for Open Science (Next Gen)

SKU 80MSFC24R0005
Solicitation Details
Due Date: October 16, 2024 at 02:00 PM CDT

RFP Posting Link:

Scope of Work:

You are invited to submit a proposal in response to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) George C. Marshall Space Flight Center’s (MSFC) Next Generation Scalable Data Engineering, Operations, and Informatics Support for Open Science (Next Gen) solicitation. The principal purpose of this hybrid research and development and services requirement is to provide resources ensuring the Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concepts Team (IMPACT) maintains cutting-edge leadership in:

  1. Science informatics;
  2. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, including machine learning expertise with specialization in spatio-temporal algorithms;
  3. Science data systems and domain science; and
  4. Scientific data storage, archiving, and management.
Next Generation Scalable Data Engineering, Operations, and Informatics Support for Open Science (Next Gen)
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