Purchase of Temporary Employment Services
RFP Posting Link: https://bids.sciquest.com/apps/Router/PublicEvent?CustomerOrg=Alamo
Scope of Work:
The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals for the purchase of temporary employment services for the Alamo Colleges District. The scope of services is required to assist the Alamo Colleges District with establishing a ready supply of temporary personnel to fulfill the employment needs of the Alamo Colleges District, as requested by the Alamo Colleges District - Human Resource and Organizational Development. Any quantities listed in this RFP are estimated annual requirements and are not to be construed as a guaranteed quantity to be purchased under the terms of this contract. This is an Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract and services will be purchased on an as-needed basis at Alamo Colleges’ sole discretion throughout the term of the contract. Alamo Colleges District reserves the right to award multiple contracts as a result of this solicitation.